Friday, March 20, 2009

Discussion : Why do you collect DD?

Why do you collect the DAIRY DELIVERY?

I started collecting Hot wheels (HW) in 2006 and my 1st Dairy Delivery is the 2006 Treasure Hunt (TH). I was totally taken back on the design and tampo on the TH series and from there onwards i slowly focus my collections on the DD casting. What i like most about DD is that, there are so many of them with awesome tampo, that is because the DD have a great large area for great tampo to apply on. My favorites DD so far is the 2005 Japan Custom Show DD. I like to have loose DD for my collections as you can see all the sides of the DD and admire them and touch them.

Currently i've about 40 loose DD of various series and about 30 plus DD on packaging. Hope to collect as many DD as possible and hope other DD collectors would share their view on DD collectings.


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